Category: blog


NK Team’s September Spotify Playlist!

Welcome to NK’s Monthly Playlist Roundup, where the Negative Kitty lets her team take the spotlight for once, sharing what they’ve been bumping this month.  Now for most of us,…...

NK’s Album Flashbacks – Mastodon – Crack the Skye

Welcome to NK’s Album Flashbacks, where the Negative Kitty shares her thoughts on not-so-recent albums. Today’s album review Mastodon – Crack The Skye! What Sound Does a Mastodon Make?...

NK’s Album Flashbacks – Shakira – She Wolf

Welcome to NK’s Album Flashbacks, where the Negative Kitty shares her thoughts on not-so-recent albums. Today’s album review: She Wolf by Shakira! Mister President – Shakira has taken the...

NK’s Album Flashbacks – System of a Down – Steal This Album!

Welcome to NK’s Album Flashbacks, where the Negative Kitty shares her thoughts on not-so-recent albums. Today’s album review: Steal This Album! by System of a Down! BINGBONG – it’s...

NK’s Album Flashbacks – Animals as Leaders – The Joy of Motion

Welcome to NK’s Album Flashbacks, where the Negative Kitty shares her thoughts on not-so-recent albums. Today’s album review: The Joy of Motion by Animals as Leaders! Ahhhhhhhhhhh I...

NK’s Album Flashbacks – Ariana Grande – positions

Welcome to NK’s Album Flashbacks, where the Negative Kitty shares her thoughts on not-so-recent albums. Today’s album review: positions by Ariana Grande! Candles, check. Bath bomb, check...

NK’s Album Flashbacks – Archspire – Relentless Mutation

Welcome to NK’s Album Flashbacks, where the Negative Kitty shares her thoughts on not-so-recent albums. Today’s album review: Relentless Mutilation by Archspire! Hold onto your biscuits...

NK’s Album Flashbacks – Paradisio – Tarpeia

Welcome to NK’s Album Flashbacks, where the Negative Kitty shares her thoughts on not-so-recent albums. Today’s album review: Tarpeia by Paradisio! Look at this album art. Soak it in for…...

Welcome to the Negative Kitty Blog

Congratulations! You’ve stumbled upon the beginnings of something great. This here blog is where we’ll provide you with all our updates when it comes to our creative projects and...