NK Team’s September Spotify Playlist!

Welcome to NK’s Monthly Playlist Roundup, where the Negative Kitty lets her team take the spotlight for once, sharing what they’ve been bumping this month. 

Now for most of us, this September was hot hot hot, almost as fire as the tracks the Negative Kitty team has been rocking out to. As we get ready for fall, warm up with this playlist and listen to what’s been the soundtrack to the Negative Kitty team’s creative genius!

First up with our Creative Director, Producer, and ta-da Founder Seby, with everything from Bachata to Breakcore!

Golemm – Untouchable


Romeo Santos – Ayúdame


Xotla – The Seasons Are Changing


Psychedelic Porn Crumpets – High Visceral


benyamind – Xenzu Bean


Up next we have our lovely 2D Animator, Illustrator, and Graphic Designer, Kurt, keeping it seriously chill with the best of Indie Rock, Lofi Hip-hop and even Math Rock!

Ovlov – What Comes Next


Structures – Paralyzed


João Gonzalez – Routine


demon gummies – 3am and i’m still up thinking about how i have nothing to do


Chon – Cloudy


And now last but not least, Blog Writer and Social Media Manager Shreyoshi, with songs that range from a Nu Metal banger, Rnb Classic, and even some Alt Country!

Chief Keef – Faneto


Deftones – Be Quiet and Drive (Far Away)


Strawberry Hospital – Chimera


Sade – No Ordinary Love


16 Horsepower – Harm’s Way


Give the playlist a listen and be sure to let us know what were some of your fav picks! What did you listen to in September? 


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