NK Project Showcase – Mythical Meats Sep. 2023!

Welcome to NK’s Project Showcase, where the Negative Kitty shares her thoughts on the NK team’s recent client projects. Today we talk about our recent work with Mythical Meats!

Ok so like, let’s say I invited you to a totally rad Negative Kitty party, and like, I handed you a bag that said “Mystery Meat” on it, would that like, be weird…? 

Hey guy, Negative Kitty here with some cool updates! We’ve been working hard at Negative Kitty city, like seriously, working our kitty butts off *wiggles my boot-ington* xD. 

We just did some work with the awesome company Mythical Meats and I just MUST tell y’all about it.

First up, Mythical Meats is a seriously badass company that makes the most mouth-watering meat snacks, while also being dope AF as peeps. Protein? Check. Vibes? Check. Epic snack time guaranteed? Check. Most of their meat sticks are inspired by mythical creatures and cryptids,  and they managed to turn some of those cryptids into snacks, no fr. Sample a variety of exotic meats like Alligator, Camel, Ostrich, Elk, Andouille Yak, Venison, Buffalo, Antelope, and more! Honestly, I feel like I should just live off of Mythical Meats, the only meal worthy for a kitty as unbelievably, mythically, magical like me >_<

Their snacks come in single sticks, but if you’re anything like me, you know I could finish that in seconds. The variety pack is where it’s at yo – more flavors, more snacks, and more fun! And I ain’t even getting paid to say this, big homie. They’re just straight-up delicious.

A couple months ago we created two short animated commercials for them. The first played out like an RPG video game, where YOU play as a hungry knight, looting delectable meats from a rude shopkeeper! The Negative Kitty does not condone shoplifting, but she does condone this snack! 

The second ad we made features the Meats team’s mythical KRAKEN! A spooky-wooky behemoth of a monster, smashing through an armada of jabroni naval vessels. Even the Kraken can’t resist the mouth-watering meats. I recommend the Kraken flavor, BTW – it’s maple duck with beef and chicken, and it’s one of my favorites of theirs!

Our team put a lot of love into these spots, with my dads Kurt and Seby leading a team of seven fellas – animators, composers, and voice actors – to serve up the colorful cartoons. *Sparks up cigar* we love it when a plan comes together!

We love the weird and the goofy here at Negative Kitty, so it was a great time working on these bits for Mythical Meats. It was really fun getting a chance to draw inspiration from mythical beasts and gamer culture to create hilarious and eye-catching advertisements that shine a light on the extreme deliciousness of Mythical Meats. To the meats team: we loved working with y’all and look forward to collab-ing again! 

Readers: let us know what you think! We look forward to more opportunities to support businesses big and small achieve their creative goals!

Ta-ta for now, my darlings.


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