NK Project Showcase – Dre Scot Studio Session Aug. 2023!

Welcome to NK’s Project Showcase, where the Negative Kitty shares her thoughts on the NK team’s recent client projects. Today we talk about our recent work with singer-songwriter Dre Scot!

Guys, the Negative Kitty, well, she’s in her “Feelings” today….. >_>

A couple months ago the Negative Kitty team had the joy of shooting a video for the live version of this totes gorg single “Feelings” by Dre Scot! This soulful track features some of the most satisfying harmonies I’ve heard in a long time. It’s the kinda song that feels like an ushering in of something magical… magical like the transformation of singer-songwriter Dre Scot!

Previously known as DeAndre Brackensick of American Idol fame, Dre Scot is taking us along to his journey of musical recalibration. We’re so lucky! For years he’s been mastering his craft, releasing his music independently and on social media. His hard work and effort has paid off – he’s been signed to Ciara’s label Beauty Marks Entertainment and now has an entire album on the way!

We got a chance to play a role in his reintroduction and musical rebirth, filming the live studio performances for the singles “Feelings” and “Million Shades.” Check this out y’all:

Wouldja look at that? Over 500,000 views!!! Wowie-kazowie. Isn’t that song seriously dreamy? And those background vocals… oohh, that’s what we like!

Longtime Negative Kitty collaborator and friend Andrew Feyer, brought the opportunity to the table, handling the live audio engineering, recording and mixing of the audio for these videos. Our Seby X Martinez led the charge on the camera and lighting front, with support from another longtime collaborator, John Burgio! 

I, of course, was perched on all of their collective shoulders like a tiny ethereal pikachu. Being on the ground and getting the chance to witness this pure music magic was insane and intensely rewarding, and confirmed our suspicions that Dre Scot’s music is seriously out of this world.

But let me tell you something – it was seriously HOT that day. Sweltering, in fact! While we kept cool inside the studio, one step outside on that July afternoon spelt D-E-A-T-H. Luckily, though, everything went according to plan and no one suffered any heat stroke or untimely demise 🙂

“Million Shades” is already a killer song, but this live version just takes it to a whole ‘nother level. Snazzy old school RnB vibes blend with effortless delivery for the most awesumsauce song we’ve heard in a while. The chill is real with this one.

Dre Scot has a bright AF future ahead of him, so bright that I totally need, like, a “million shades” just thinking about it! It’s so exciting that the NK boys were a part of this rebirth and musical evolution. Good luck Dre, keep us posted… don’t forget about us >___> T____T

We at Negative Kitty look forward to playing a role in many more musical and artistic journeys! If you’re reading this and curious about how the NK team can help YOU, then reach out to [email protected] and let’s chat!

That’s all my darlings – ta-ta for now!


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