NK’s Album Flashbacks – Paradisio – Tarpeia


Welcome to NK’s Album Flashbacks, where the Negative Kitty shares her thoughts on not-so-recent albums. Today’s album review: Tarpeia by Paradisio!

Look at this album art. Soak it in for a good 19 uninterrupted seconds. Do you feel compelled to throw booty or otherwise jiggle?

If yes, you are correct. If no… then wtf bro? Bro-ham? Okay then, put on the opening track “Bailando” and check again. Is your b*tt on the other side of the room? Didja throw it, homie? If you did not throw butt to that song, you got mad problems, b!

Paradisio is a Belgian eurodance group that was popular in the late 1990s and early 2000s. The group was formed in 1994 and consisted of two core members: lead vocalist Maria Isabel Garcia Asensio (also known as “Marisa”), and DJ Patrick Samoy.

The obvious standout in Paradisio’s catalogue, sitting at 101m+ streams, is “Bailando,” which opens Tarpeia with an undeniable bang. What an absolute slapper. It’s such a good song that 7 of their most popular tracks on Sp*tify are just remixes of THIS frickin’ song!

The track is such an ass-throwing, dance floor masterpiece that ought to be more recognized by today’s “society” — a term I use verrrrrrry loosely! Nyuck nyuck. Ain’t I a stinker? Just kidding… >__>

But seriously. You zoomers may not have been around for the 90s, but your girl NK is essentially an elder deity on that front. So I remember a thing or two from back then. And let me tell you, it’s an utter shame that they don’t make Eurodance like this anymore. It is hardly an exaggeration to say that all music should sound exactly like this. Patience, my kittens — mama’s gonna show you a whole world of ass-throwing 90’s Eurodance bangers.

But seriously. When I first heard “Bailando,” I was like, awwweeeee sheeit.

Other Grade-A booty bangers on this album:

  • “Bandolero” & “Bandolero – U.S. Power Club Remix”: This song is straight up the tits, and the remix is heroic, transforming the song into what I imagine a shimmering New York fashion week afterparty anthem would sound like… if I was ever invited to such a thing T_____T
  • “Vamos a la Discoteca” –
  • “Sentimental” – A Big Willy-style rap intro and a chorus where the beat is slower and somber but the chorus goes “tell me why I always wanna have some party time?” Fookin brilliant, lads.


The party didn’t stop there for Paradisio. If you check them out on Instagram, looks like they’re still rockin’ and rollin’ and playing shows. Looks like they’ve recently done a few with Alice Deejay. Yeah, THAT Alice Deejay. Um, “BETTER OFF ALONE”??? EVER HEAR OF IT??!?!

Anyways. Shout out to this album.

<3 – NKmeow

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