Gobble Gobble muthacluckas! Negative Kitty and her dutiful team spill the gravy on what they’re thankful for this Thanksgiving!
One thing is for sure, there’s plenty to be thankful for, even if you’re a Negative Kitty. The NK team has had an eventful and vibrant year, and what better way to celebrate that than hearing about what each of us are thankful for!
Take it away Kurt…
Kurt –
“I’m thankful for delicious food and my fast metabolism. Bacon, ice cream, tempura, pizza, the list goes on and on. The enjoyment of these things (and my daily coffee) keep me in a peaceful headspace. I’m also thankful to have had a clear direction my whole life. Studying art, music and animation have kept me away from having a boring and conventional lifestyle. My friends and family are usually chill too.”
Well I sure wish I had a fast metabolism>_<
Seby –
“I’m thankful for my delightful GF and our cat Yoyo and our cozy home. I’m thankful for Negative Kitty’s most busy year yet – for one, we massively grew our community and our team, and met a lot of awesome new people. I’m also grateful that we’re slowly but surely producing work that seems to be resonating with people. I am stoked for the coming year and all the possibilities the future holds!”
I’m excited too!
Shreyoshi –
“I am deeply thankful for an enriching year on this planet, a year where I have grown, learned, and experienced so much! I am thankful for my family, my friends, music and everyone who has shaped my life. I am so excited to see where the Negative Kitty company and community will go and I’m glad to be a part of this journey!”
Aww, isn’t that life-affirming :’)
Clears throat uh my turn…
Negative Kitty –
“I’m thankful for my human minions and their efforts towards the spreading of my cult, it really warms my heart! I am thankful to the internet for providing a canvas for my brilliance to shimmer. I also think turkey, and gravy, and cranberry sauce, and mashed potatoes, and every thanksgiving delight is great and I can’t wait to devour them. I also am thankful for you, my captive audience on whom I can inflict my many insightful thoughts and ramblings!”
See mine was clearly da best… anyways I gotta wrap this up!
Thank you everyone and stay tuned for more Negative Kitty happenings!